Last Chance to Win an Autographed BA ’13 CD and Prize Pack

CONTEST HAS ENDED We recently asked Markus Schulz his thoughts about the presence of Schulz Army around the globe with t-shirts and flags being present at places not only in North America but also in places like Beirut, Tunisia and Tomorrowland. He replied saying, “It’s amazing. You guys are amazing. Sometimes when I walk into a club I am jet lagged or whatever and I see everyone with the t-shirts, the flags and everything. It’s just like wow!”

So we want to know how you rep Schulz Army. Do you wear a #SchulzArmy wristband or Kandi, wear a t-shirt, make your own banner or wave a flag at shows?

To enter our final contest to win an autographed Buenos Aires ’13 CD plus prize pack, you’ll need to post a picture showing how you rep Schulz Army to one or more of these of these places:

  • Facebook: Post your photo on the Schulz Army Page wall at
  • Twitter: Tweet your photo and be sure to tag @_SchulzArmy, @MarkusSchulz and #BA13 
  • Instagram: Post your photo and tag it with #SchulzArmy, #MarkusSchulz and #BA13

postit Rules: Contest starts on 10/31/13 and runs to 9 pm PT on 11/6/13. All pictures must be set to public so that we can see them. Tag your photos as indicated above so that we can locate them on Twitter and/or Instagram. Feel free to be creative but your picture can be as basic as writing “Schulz Army” on a piece of paper. Winner will be chosen at random. Your photo may be used in future Schulz Army posts. Maybe we’ll even put together a collage of all of the photos that were submitted.

Not sure what to post? These are some of the photos that we’ve seen posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram over the past year that you can use for inspiration.



Here’s what you have the chance to win:

Schulz Army BA 13 Prize Pack

About Suzanne Welker Jurgens

Suzanne Welker Jurgens has been involved in the publishing world for over 12 years. She has worked at several business technology magazines such as Business 2.0 and The Industry Standard, as well other magazine titles such as Allure, Yoga Journal and Dwell. In 2012, Suzanne decided that it was time to marry her passion of music with her extensive experience in media and jumped feet first into developing When she is not helping break the latest Schulz Army and The Scene is Dead news, you will find her at events waving the Schulz Army flag and passing out "Down the Rabbit Hole We Go!" wristbands. Suzanne is also part of the TranceFamily SF team and helps out at local trance events hosted by Sondra Productions and Phoria Events.

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