Tag Archives: Push

Review: M.I.K.E. Push “Modus”

An artist known to the world for his unique qualities as a producer under his many aliases, Belgian Mike Dierickx widely known as just M.I.K.E or Push boasts a vast number of productions already considered timeless classics, such as “Strange World”, “The Legacy” and “Silver Bath” under his belt.

Always the creative mind and pioneer the maestro with the large amount of guises he changes like hats, is back making waves in the scene with his new single. “Modus”, released on Coldharbour Recordings, is a hybrid of the past and future all wrapped up in one. Attaining elements and influences from the classic M.I.K.E Push sound we have all come to love, while at the same time melding them perfectly with the new age sound. Classic trance leads fueled by deeper darker vibes progress harmoniously, making way for the blossoming of our emotions and thoughts throughout the voyage of this world our host takes us on. Within the core of this deep, dark anthem rays of positivity and hope emerge victorious, proving that it’s more than meets the eye with this one. Infectious, captivating, a true storm bringer. This is what trance is all about.

Rejoice dance fanatics! This is something that will be burning a hole in your mind and shoes for a mass amount of time.

“Modus” by M.I.K.E. Push is available at https://coldharbour.choons.at/modus

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