Tag Archives: Anske

Review: Anske “Unleashed”

Anke is at it again. Another anthem graces our presence from his debut E.P. on Coldharbour Recordings. Following suit to its predecessor, the already acclaimed “Epika”, “Unleashed” takes things down to a deeper, darker place. He takes us on a stroll down dark and eerie pathways while our senses begin to tingle from the thought of what may lurk around the corner. Around the bend the tracks breaks down, descending, while ghostly calls beckon us forward as we find ourselves surrounded by a rich and longing melody, playing the role of our host to a world where anything can be expected. In a flash the melodious lead takes over sending us to the highest heights, conquering our fears and we embark glorious on our conquest of life from a fresh perspective. If anything can be said about Anske is that he is certainly an artist to keep a close eye on in 2016. He hasn’t unleashed all his energy and diversity just yet. There is plenty more underway.

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“Unleashed” is one of three massive tracks that are included on Anke’s ‘Epika’ E.P. that’s out on Coldharbour Recordings.

Available on Beatport: bit.ly/clhr236bp

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Review: Anske “Epika”

Hailing from Lithuania DJ/Producer Anske (real name Andrej Anskinas),has been on a roll, releasing one mega track after another. There is no wonder why “Epika” was instantly snatched up by the Coldharbour headquarters, as it fits in perfectly with all that the label itself represents.

Dark, menacing and dynamic are some of the key attributes of this power stormer. Starting off hot and heavy, steadily pacing us for the ultimate breakdown, our spirit and morale are instantly boosted when the lead melody kicks in. The feeling the listener attains is a grand one. Almost in the same way an army from ancient times may take heed of its revered leader and march relentlessly across the battlefield armed with a fierceness and iron determination, almost invincible. That is exactly what this track accomplishes. Inspiring and ruthless to it’s core, “Epika” shall remain carved within our memories for years to come!Anske

“Epika” is one of three massive tracks that are included on Anke’s ‘Epika’ E.P. that’s out on Coldharbour Recordings.

Available on Beatport here: bit.ly/clhr236bp

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