Tag Archives: Scream

Review: Scream Bus Tour Slaying at the Lizard Lounge in Dallas

Operation: Unicorn Slayer
Review of Markus Schulz – Lizard Lounge Dallas Show April 19, 2013

I boarded the plane to Dallas with high anticipation and excitement knowing that I was going to see Markus Schulz perform. This was my first Markus Schulz show, and it will not be my last. I posed with the SchulzArmy flag before the doors opened for the night and people really were receptive to me. I felt like a rock star or something like that. I got my ticket and went in shortly after 9.

The Lizard Lounge, for those who have never been, is a great club. The atmosphere is very gothic and full of energy. The staff was extremely nice to me. I managed to get a sneak peek of the Scream World Tour Merchandise (at that moment, we were not allowed to purchase anything yet as they were still getting situated). Having the SchulzArmy flag certainly made me feel proud. I had pictures galore taken of me holding it.

Being that the main floor wasn’t open just yet, we were ushered into the video room and was instantly greeted by monitors blazing visuals set to the music. I considered that a warm up of sorts.

Finally! We were all told that we could enter the main floor and we were allowed to purchase merchandise. First of all, I hit the merchandise area and purchased the Unicorn Slayer shirt, Markus Schulz tank top, and also a Scream CD for him to sign after the show. After I paid for the goodies ($45), I went to the main floor.

The local DJs who were in support of the show (Kids With Weapons, Johnny Funk) went first. Their sets were pretty good, but more techno styled mixed with familiar dance tunes. They played for a while for sure. During the Kids With Weapons set, the sound went out causing the crowd to be unhappy. The DJ looked mortified, but once the sound came back, the club was hopping again!

The M Machine Scream Bus Tour Dallas Lizard Lounge

The M Machine was next to perform. Now, I am not too familiar with their music, but I was highly impressed by their set. The music was brilliant. Lots of complex layers and sounds, highs, lows, and everything in between. On the LED screen, The M Machine’s logo was bright and bold. They apparently designed the graphics for the show. I have to say that the graphics had an industrial, Pink Floyd – The Wall, feel to them. People were having a great time!

Next, the Unicorn Slayer himself went on stage. The crowd went NUTS. When Markus said that the LED screen was so bright that it could give someone a suntan, he was not lying! His logo flashed brightly across the screen followed by the Scream World Tour logo. I felt the heat coming off that screen. Maybe I should have packed sunscreen as well?

His set was magical. He played Scream, Caught, Tempted, Fusion, Love Rain Down, Loops n Tings, Perception, and the ASOT 600 Anthem – The Expedition and other tunes. Someone was bouncing this gigantic orange/red inflatable dinosaur throughout the crowd. Markus managed to take this dino (more like confiscated it) and put his headphones on it. I never thought I would witness a Markus Schulz b2b with DJ Dino.

Markus Schulz Scream Bus Tour Lizard Lounge

A fan next to me threw a luchador mask at Markus. Markus was so happy that he put it on and continued his show for a few minutes before taking it off. The fan was so excited that he and I hopped up and down in happiness and I handed out #SchulzArmy bracelets to him and his friends.

Another highlight of the show was all these inflatable unicorns in the show. I have no idea where they all got them, but they were cute. Markus was handed one during the show, but he gave it right back to the fan.

Adina Butar was there for Caught. Her long hair was up in a high, sleek ponytail and she wore a USA themed bra with black leather looking leggings and her spiked heels. She is so beautiful, angelic even. During the song, she twirled, danced, and even blew kisses to me twice! Being that she is my favorite trance vocalist, I was totally blown away by that. I love her even more now!

Markus Schulz Scream Bus Tour Lizard Lounge

The end of his set was shortly after. I managed to get to the area where he was doing autographs and meeting fans. When I met him, I felt at ease. He made me feel important. I had him sign my SchulzArmy flag, Fluffy, the unicorn, the Scream CD, and a book. I also gave him my #SchulzArmy bracelet! I asked if Adina could come see me and Markus motioned for her to come down the stairs. I was about to take a picture of her and she told me that isn’t the way it is done. She took my camera, came up close to me, and took the picture herself of us. I told her that she was beautiful and she told me that I was too. Before I left, I made sure to give Markus a gigantic hug. Trust me, I did not even care that he was sweaty. I made sure to tell him thank you for being who he is.

I didn’t stick around for much of KhoMha’s set, but the beginning was spectacular. Needless to say, he has an incredible future ahead of him. Markus knows talent when he sees it!

Some of the crowd went outside to this hot dog vendor to get some hot dogs, water, snacks, etc… I met Ben Swardlick of The M Machine. He bought everyone hot dogs and cut up with us for a while. Funny guy!

Bottom line is this; Markus Schulz really is an amazing person. I am super glad to be a fan of his. I am even more grateful that he treats his fans like they are all special and important. His blue eyes sparkle and his smile is infectious. He says he finds inspiration from his fans. Well, after this set, he has inspired me.

Review: Behind the Scenes of the Markus Schulz Scream Bus Tour in Buffalo

The Scream Bus Tour featuring Markus Schulz, KhoMha and The M Machine stopped in Buffalo on April 12, 2013 for the third stop on the bus tour and to say it was an experience would be an understatement. The event was held in the Grand Ballroom which is inside of Statler City, a large 19 floor hotel that was built in 1923. The hotel portion has been closed for nearly 30 years with the lower floors just seeing new life within the past few years thanks to developer Mark D. Croce. The Scream Bus Tour was the first event of it’s kind to be held in the Grand Ballroom and based on how the night went it won’t be the last.

This is what the Statler City Golden Ballroom typically looks like for weddings.
This is what the Statler City Golden Ballroom typically looks like for weddings.

The only thing I had planned for the day was to check out the setup early in the afternoon, meet some friends for dinner and then dance the night away once the doors opened later in the night. What really happened was getting a behind the scenes experience of the nearly nine hour setup along with wandering around parts of the hotel with Markus Schulz and KhoMha and then driving them to Niagara Falls along with Adina Butar.

I’ve worked with the promoter in the past, Factory Nightlife, so I had arranged to arrive at the venue early in the afternoon to be a fly on the wall to write about the setup process right through to the end of the night but they needed an extra hand so I was put to work. I helped move LED panels, wheel crates back to the storage area, carry in the co2 canisters for the confetti canons and label the wires running from the decks to the soundboard. What if I accidentally put two on the end of one chord and three at the other end and the sound was all messed up? What if I dropped and broke an LED panel and screwed up the whole wall? What if I tripped over a laptop cord and busted someones computer? I’ve done all of these things before and more but those thoughts crossed my mind with a tour of this size, no pressure!

After getting a little dirty it was time to head to another room where Markus Schulz and KhoMha and their crew were finishing eating lunch when out of nowhere and a random speaker in the room some Frank Sinatra started playing. The music encouraged everyone to go check out the rest of the building since stories had spread of it being haunted so curiosity was peaked. We went up a pitch black stairwell and into some hotel rooms that haven’t been used in over 30 years. There wasn’t any electricity for lights, just sun light through the windows and flashlight apps on our phones. It was like going back in time especially in a room with what appeared to be an old switchboard. The film crew had joined them at this point as well to film the after lunch portion of the day so hopefully parts of that make the final cut of the tour documentary.

Markus Schulz and KhoMha in front of an old wiring panel.
Markus Schulz and KhoMha in front of an old wiring panel.

After wandering around the venue it was time to drive them to visit Niagara Falls! You would think that a DJ ranked #13 in the world and his small crew would ride in the comfort of large comfortable SUV’s but they had no complaints getting into two small Honda Civics for the ride. The only request for the drive was heat! Spring had not yet arrived in Buffalo. It was just a quick trip to check out Niagara Falls, take a couple pictures and then get back to the venue for dinner and sound check before the doors opened.

Adina Butar, Markus Schulz, Sarah Gianetto, KhoMha, Keith Wozniak, Sarah Rocklin
Representing the ShulzArmy at one of the world’s most famous natural wonders.

As the crew was finishing the construction of the stage there was also a charity event running from 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm using the entire floor that would become the dance floor at 10 pm. It was a bizarre situation to see the room go from business professionals singing karaoke to ravers dancing up a storm. The nearly 14 hours that I spent at the venue sure did make me appreciate everything that goes into these events a whole lot more.

The charity event was over and cleaned up and it was now time for sound check which had been scheduled for 9 pm but things weren’t quite ready yet. Markus Schulz arrived and patiently waited to make sure everything was good to go and stood back watching the venue workers get the floor setup finished. There was a sense of urgency to get it all going but no panic from everyone, just patience in getting everything finished properly. The CDJ’s were plugged in, the sound was tuned, the LED panels were tweaked, wires were covered up, crowd microphones were taped down and the thumbs up that everything was a go was finally given a few minutes after 10 pm and time for the doors to open.

The M Machine went on around 11:30 pm after a local by the name of Jesse Aaron warmed up the crowd. I had heard a number of tracks by The M Machine but never a full set from start to finish. There were some people that seemed a little surprised by the dubstep sounds they played at times but they fit in well of warming up the crowd for Markus Schulz. The M Machine had people jumping at times but overall set the mood with some electro/industrial like groovy beats before the slaying was to start.

When the clock finally got to 12:30 am the room was ready for Markus Schulz. The fast paced two hour set didn’t waste any time jumping into the unicorn slaying sounds of Romper and Loops & Tings early in the set. Hearing Romper live and loud makes it even better in person. It’s great hearing it through your headphones or speakers but in a club it’s a monster of a tune, can’t wait to hear it at a festival. The same could be said of the New World Punx remix of Binary Finary’s trance classic 1998. That’s another track that completely fills the room. Live Forever featuring Aruna by Ferry Corsten was another track that stood out in the set. The stalker anthem, Nothing Without Me had the entire room singing along as did Scream with the voice of Ken Spector and everyone singing “I can’t scream any louder” at the same time. Markus also played the new remix of The New World which was the only tune I recall that he also played in 2010 when he was last in Buffalo. The two hour set was filled a lot more tracks that had everyone dancing up a sweat. This was a set that will be remembered by anyone who was in the building. There’s a recap video at the end of this article.

The original set times had listed Markus to play until 3 am but at 2:30 am he picked up the microphone and thanked the crowd, stated it had been a long two years since he had been in town and then handed over the stage to KhoMha. This was the first time that the time slots had been changed up on the tour and I didn’t hear any complaints from the crowd. KhoMha closing the night instead of opening was a real treat.

KhoMha didn’t waste any time having the crowd KhoMhatized for the last hour and a half until the lights went on at 4 am. The dark and dirty bass lines that come from the tracks that KhoMha plays are what works crowds into a frenzy. Tracks he has produced like Dusk Riddles, Dejavu and Vapour are tunes that will move a dance floor every time. Two other notable tracks that were played were No Saint Out of Me by Orjan Nilsen and the classic iiO Rapture. After his set he came down to the barrier for those still waiting around and took pictures, signed autographs and was genuinely appreciative of all the love given to him by those on the dance floor. It’s easy to see why Markus has taken him under his wing and brought him along on the tour.

The day and night was an amazing adventure. It was a pleasure handing out #SchulzArmy Down the Rabbit Hole We Go bracelets to others that I met throughout the night and all of the pictures taken with the Schulz Army flag. Thanks to Factory Nightlife, Statler City and the entire Scream Bus Tour crew for a great day.

Here’s a recap of the two hour Markus Schulz set from the night:


In a recent UStream broadcast the Buffalo show was discussed by Markus Schulz and The M Machine:

Watch the whole UStream broadcast here.

Review: Markus Schulz at the Palladium in Chicago

From EDM Sauce about Markus Schulz in Chicago on April 5, 2013

A dedicated fan on the main floor held up a unicorn head on a stick, and the unicorn head later made its presence on the main stage and within Markus’s hands, proceeded to bob up and down wearing his headphones. Tracks off of Markus’s Scream album – “Love Rain Down,” “Scream” and “Loops and Tings” – as well as “The Expedition,” “Rotunda” and one of my favorites from the night, “Mammoth” by Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, kept the crowd going on their feet for hours.

Read the rest of the review.

Share Your Pics, Videos and Write a Review for SchulzArmy

The Scream Bus Tour starts today in Boston and SchulzArmy.com is looking for soldiers in every city to write reviews for us along with sharing pictures and videos. The reviews can be a long essay or it can be a couple paragraphs. Tell the rest of the world about the venue, the sound, lights and of course the type of set that Markus Schulz, KhoMha and The M Machine plays including any local support as well.

Make sure to use the official hashtag #MarkusBusTour if you’re on Twitter and it can’t hurt to use #SchulzArmy as well.

What do you get? The chance to help grow the army by sharing stories of dance floor mayhem and unicorn slaying. This site is just getting started and we’re looking for you to help us grow. This is one army that should dominate the globe! We may also send you a #SchulzArmy bracelet as well.

We’ll be watching the #MarkusBusTour and we’re always watching the #SchulzArmy hashtags as well. If you’d like to write a review send us an email to info@schulzarmy.com to let us know what city you’ll be in along with whatever you write.


Scream Tour to Bring Visuals that Many Cities Never See

In an interview with Live for Live Music, Markus Schulz shared some details about the upcoming Scream Tour that should be exciting for many cities along the way.  Unless you’re in a big city chances are your local club or concert hall doesn’t have more than a standard lighting rig unless a tour like this comes through.  The original Scream USA Bus Tour press release had mentioned that they would be travelling with full production but the way it’s described here brings a new level of excitement.  Personally, I’ll be attending the April 12 date in Buffalo, NY (click here for tickets/info) and a setup like this is rare for most dj’s that come through the city.

For a full list of dates click here – http://www.schulzarmy.com/dates/

On his upcoming cross-country bus tour:

“Well you know what..the idea behind it is, a lot of these cities I’ve been to, some of them I haven’t been to, but one of the things is, a lot of these cities when I goto them, they don’t have like, LEDs, or lasers or whatever…so I’d ask the promoter ‘hey, why can’t we get some LEDs for the night?’, and he’d say ‘well we have to get them shipped in from California or here or there…we don’t have them in our city’. So the idea behind this tour was to take our production, and take to these cities a show that people in Ibiza see all the time, or in New York City, or here in Miami. And the only way to really do that is to travel with a crew and bring your own stuff. So, you have to do it by a bus.

It’s going to be really exciting, you know. One of the cool things is when you look out at the audience and you know they’re experiencing something for the first time. This is the first time they’re seeing a production like this. You just see it in people’s eyes and it’s really exciting. For me, doing this bus tour is going to be really cool just to see those people’s eyes when they see the production for the first time.”

The rest of the interview is worth reading as he discusses the 10-hour set at Space, New World Punx and A State of Trance 600 at Madison Square Garden.

Read the rest of the interview here.

Markus Schulz lengthy Twitter Q&A Recapped as he Talks New Tunes, ASOT, NWP, Future Dates, Favorites and More

There’s a lot of reasons we all love Markus Schulz but one of the ways he connects with fans consistently tuning into his Thursday afternoon Global DJ Broadcasts and chatting with his fans on Facebook on Twitter.  On Monday night he spent about an hour doing a random Q&A answering a number of questions, towards the end he said there was still 400 some tweets he hadn’t opened.  There’s a lot to admire in how much he opens up to questions but also keeps enough a mystery.

Not everyone is an addict so some of the questions/answers may seem obvious but he still answered!  Chances are you didn’t feel like clicking each conversation so just read below, I did all the hard work and there’s enough information below for a Markus Schulz Trivial Pursuit board game.

Want to try and get a picture, autograph or handshake from the slayer himself? Stick around when he’s done playing and get near the front!  This is asked often and the reply is often the same.  As long as it’s possible Markus always goes to the barrier/front of the stage to greet his fans.

Unicorn Slayer Name

Why unicorns?  “rainbows” (@NourAgha) Possibly the most amusing answer here!!!!

How the term unicorn slayer got started, “somebody tweeted it as a slogan since I was known as the anti-trance trance guy, I retweeted it and it took own a life of its own.” (@AJJaegle)

Another question about how he came up with unicorn slayer, “I didn’t actually invent it! Someone sent me a tweet referring to me as “the unicorn slayer of trance” about 3 years ago.” (@CatfishIsTasty)

More about being the unicorn slayer, “I retweeted it and it blew up like crazy. Suddenly people start showing up at gigs with Unicorn Slayer t-shirts” (@CatfishIsTasty)


When did he move to the US and does he miss Germany?  “I moved when I was 13. I do miss it sometimes, but I have an apartment in Berlin where I stay in between gigs in Europe.” (@pvd_27)

How does he prepare physically for 12 hour sets?  “Eating light, getting a good sleep beforehand and not drinking any alchohol before or during set.” (@paullyking)

Want a hug after his Chicago gig on April 5th?  He said, “sure, as long as you bring Chi-town hot dogs.”  Imagine trying to explain that to security! (@nessafuu)

What percentage of the fan base likes the rabbit hole stuff?  “Hard to know, but it’s good more and more people are becoming aware of it. Posting the cut from LA on NYE on Soundcloud helped.” (@RoknSpock)

Best performance ever?  “I think the achivement of playing 16 hours total in 2 b2b nights in LA for the LA ’12 release parties.” (@F_Otaku23)

Asked to admit that Nothing Without Me is his favorite Scream track, “haha! When I made it I had a feeling it was going to be big, but never expected it to become such an attachment for everyone.” (@Lana4z)

Does the chick in the “Nothing Without Me” video scratch? If yes, how deep?  “haha, I don’t know, the restraining order is doing its job.” (@je44ery)

What’s it like playing in front of so many fans?  “you have to pinch yourself sometimes and remind yourself that you still need to work and entertain them.” (@Nick_Sammons)

On a moment when he realized holy shit I have an awesome life, “when I got my first job offer as a DJ after playing at a breakdance party.” (@JustANJones)

What artist was he happy to see/meet this past week?  “Paul Oakenfold. When he speaks, you take everything in because he’s seen it and done it all.” (@KSpencePhotos)

A city compilation for 2013?  “Early summer, approx June.” (@gissy_avalos)

Plans for the rest of the year?  “Bus Tour, 2013 city compilation, Ibiza + festival season. That’ll take me through to the end of the summer.” (@trancefamily8)

Longest studio session, “I think I did almost 24 hours a few times.” (@rvn_10)

Favorite up and comer?  “Think we both know the answer to that, some Colombian fella.” (@G_ill7)

Favorite non-Coldharbour tune at the moment?  “The remix of School of Seven Bells – Reappear that Thomas Datt sent me.” (@jfd6812)

Favorite studio tools?  “Logic and Ableton.” (@DannyAguilar787)

Favorite board game?  “Monopoly.”  (@vy_cma01)  That explains the long sets, gets involved for the long haul.  The only way someone can love that game.

Favorite all time song/artist, “Stairway to Heaven, artist: Pink Floyd, dance track: the original Perception by Cass & Slide.” (@CakeEater12)

Favorite place in the world, “gotta say Miami right? Went on vacation to Lizard Island in Oz last year though, that place was paradise.” (@marie_encina)

Favorite thing to do other than music?  “playing and watching sports, esp basketball.” (@missliz1102)

Favorite compilation of all time?  “I used to always say Sasha & Digweed’s Expeditions because it had my Edge Factor remix of Jayn Hanna on it!” (@TeddyGram420)

Producer to collaborate with?  “An Eric Prydz collab would be very interesting.” (@lmfstyle)

On dealing with sound issues at UMF Buenos Aires, “Very difficult to manage because weather is out of your hands. Still have responsibility to play and entertain fans toughing it out.” (@Maflotinha)

Where was Star (dog) and Dakota (cat) during the filming of the Harlem Shake videos?  “They were in charge of filming! :p” (@Maflotinha)

Best country to perform one?  One with the most energy?  “The US is obvious because of all the shows, but Prague, Kiev and Buenos Aires right up there.” (@shipit13)

On the Miami Heat winning streak, “definitely impressive. Still a bit to do to beat the Lakers record but I think they can do it.” (@ErrockOrtega)

On how he gets mixes to sound so big, “Effects box.” (@djlodato)

What is the DAW used in productions? Do you have any in particular?  “Nowadays it’s Logic.” (@JoseRios3)

Greatest achievement so far?  “That’s a tough one. I think the best way to answer is being able to do my dream job for a living.” (@EriqMoralese)

Where is the best crowd?  “Argentina is among the loudest.” (@FumoLetras)

How many tracks were played during his 12 hour set?  “The LA NYE one I think off the top of my head was 147.” (@dexteritee)

One other job in the world for a month, “probably running a radio station.” (@stewardsonshaun) That raises another question, how deep would the rabbit hole go in the early morning hours?

Staying focused for long sets, “you constantly have to read the room and gauge what the crowd wants. If you don’t then you’ll lose them pretty quickly.” (@sagarpchi)

Best city, club, or festival?  “Difficult to answer but to name a few – EDC, Nature One, Global Gathering, Transmission, Bal en Blanc.” (@EDMRAVECONNECT)

Tips for new producers, “always try to have your own style. Take influences from others and make a hybrid of your own.” (@KSharif5)

Advice for an up and coming trance producer?  “Try to develop your own style.” (@FreddyPedrique)

Interest in opening for Markus?  Produce tunes you’d like to get him to hear?  “You can send your demos to demos@globaldjbroadcast.com” (@david_alex_08)

New tracks with Seri?  “Never say never. I’m glad to have introduced her to the dance community through Love Rain Down.” (@mikederuzzo)

Toughest aspect of djing?  “The touring, staying on top of new music and making them fit into your live sets.” (@NevinFoxeh)

Related to A State of Trance

Best experience so far this year: “ASOT 600 Mexico.” (@Allanesk)

His favorite ASOT 600 so far?  “They have all been unique but Mexico City was so important for the community of fans there, they needed a big event like that.” (@nanahaam)

Favorite part of ASOT 600 Miami?  “Finally being able to play one!” (@AreebManji)

Three words to describe Miami, “Hot. Crazy. Rewarding.” (@FeT1970)

How much time was spent preparing for ASOT 600 Miami?  “Started working on it Thursday night right through to Sunday morning.” (@Richie_Katz)

Is he afraid of 138?  “not afraid but never really been my thing. 135 tends to be my limit when playing live.” (@deanjordan16)

On what he likes most about the A State of Trance events, “The scale of the events, how everyone is united at the venues and listening online, and hanging out with the DJs.” (@Kitty_Chrystal)

Were there nerves prior to the ASOT 600 Miami set?  “I was because it was the first big ASOT show I’ve done in my honetown. When you have frriends + family there you want to perform.” (@TranceInTX)

Favorite track played at ASOT 600 Miami, “one of the IDs I sneaked in and shocked everyone with! :p”  (@RichyV729)

Funniest thing seen from the stage, “to be honest the crowd went so far back it was tough to see everything going on” (@Gustavodlrp)

On what it felt like spinning with so many others in Miami, “It was definitely the biggest lineup out of all the big ASOT celebrations there have been.” (@MatthewCaligari)

Excited to play Albuquerque in April?  “yeah that’s going to be interesting because it’s outdoors and an early evening gig.” (@misses0wl)

On the panel with Carl Cox and Danny Tenaglia at the WMC in Miami, “that was amazing. To be on the panel with legends like him and Danny T was very humbling. Don’t think it was recorded.” (@Cradelus)

New World Punx

New World Punx was named after the tune New World by Markus and Punk by Ferry. (@pourbrew)

What inspired them to start?  “We did a few b2b shows last year, Godskitchen Birmingham, TAO Vegas and Echostage DC. The vibes of those gigs really.” (@keepitplur)

Did their styles change as they combined?  “I think there’s part of both of our respective styles that meet in the middle and that’s why they work well meshed.” (@pourbrew)

On the motivation for the comics of the duo, “I started reading through some comics in the office and figured it was worth trying. Something new and different.” (@KSpencePhotos)

Was the New World Punx set in Miami record?  “didn’t, don’t worry though, you’ll get the fun on Saturday.” (@TranceInPhilly)

On the potential of a New World Punx tour, “It’s very early stages at the moment but if the demand takes off then a tour may eventually happen.” (@Britkneetdwp)

During a short interview with Armin van Buuren during ASOT 600 Miami that they’ll probably do 10 to 15 dates a year.  He also mentioned that him and Ferry are having so much fun together that it’s a whole attitude and cool concept, they’ll still be doing what they have been as individual artists.

Avalon May 11

On how long he’ll play at Avalon on May 11, “never put a set time on Avalon, as long as everyone wants to keep going then I’ll go as long as I can.” (@lissakins)

Will Ferry Corsten be there too?  “no, will be @KhoMha and @The_M_Machine as part of the Scream Bus Tour.”  (@keepitplur)

Playing an extended set?  “yep, from the peak hour down through the rabbit hole.” (@shaynashley)

A State of Trance New York City

How does it feel to be playing MSG, “it’s the stuff of dreams, never in a million years did I think I’d play there. Gonna have to wear my Air Jordans.” (@dj_flanagan)

Upcoming gigs to look forward to, “this weekend alone is absolutely massive. ASOT 600 at Madison Square Garden NY, afterparty at Pacha and Bal en Blanc Montreal!” (@m_moss_7)

How long are New World Punx playing at the ASOT 600 after party at Pacha?  “Until they kick us out. We’ll turn off the lights when we are finished.” (@staccyy_)

What to expect from New World Punx at ASOT 600 NYC, “the MSG set will be high intensity, lot of my signature tracks + Ferry signature tracks, and a few surprise debuts.” (@dexteritee)

Expect new tunes (this includes Bal en Blanc)?  “We have one new original to debut and a new remix of a classic.” (@ZorTrance)

What can be expected of New World Punx, “a very late night!” (@Kyle_Cove)

Going down the rabbit hole at Pacha?  “yep, and I’m taking Ferry with me.” (@howieji)

Bal en Blanc in Montreal

On his next gig in Montreal, “playing b2b with Ferry at BEB this Sunday. 5th year in a row playing BEB for me. Very honored.” (@habs_fan_76)

On visiting Stereo in Montreal after Bal en Blanc to visit Danny Tenaglia, “might swing by for a little bit before my flight home.” (@Matt_Rivs)  For anyone who isn’t familiar with Montreal, the city parties well into the afternoon!  Bal en Blanc doesn’t end until 12pm and Stereo will be open well past that.

Ready for Montreal?  “yes! Love you guys in Montreal. One of the most special cities in our scene.” (@Sarahh_Sunshine)

Potential Tour Dates

A Toronto open to close set?  “Still whispers but very hopeful that it will finally happen.” (@zeeaziim)  To add on to this, Markus had played for about four and a half hours in Toronto at Labour of Love the first weekend of September 2012 in Toronto. He’s played longer sets before in Toronto but never a true open to close. A petition was started here trying to convince the club to make it happen and it’s slowly built some momentum.

Any Vegas dates planned?  “No Vegas news at the moment yet, but website tour dates will be updated as soon as there’s anything.” (@jsaunders_)

Also related to Vegas, asked about playing at Electric Daisy Carnival, “hoping so and I would imagine all the big names will be there again. Hopefully no wind this time though.” (@pat2icia)

Best of Both Worlds (Markus Schulz vs Armin van Buuren) at EDC Vegas?  “That would be cool to do, but ultimately would be up to promoter to decide.” (@MATOOOOOE)

Another about EDC Vegas, “Hope so! One of the best events every year.” (@JayHerrera10)

EDC NYC?  “Not 100% sure but I don’t think so.” (@jfd6812)

New World Punx in So Cal?  “Not just yet, main focus for me are the Bus Tour shows in SD and LA in May.” (@MelodeeRaves)

Seattle?  “Working on Seattle hopefully later this year at some point. You should come to @FIVESIXTYtalk in Vancouver on May 18.” (@AerynCoss)

Houston?  “Houston hopefully later in the year at some point. Enjoyed my visit there last year.”  (@TranceInTX)

El Salvador?  “No plans at the moment.”  (@JosueMartinez24)

Does he want to visit Egypt?  “yes! Would love to come back to Space Sharm sometime.”  (@OmarEldahan1)

Tunisia?  “great community that grows with every visit. Might be back at some point in summer.” (@ox_Sarra_ox95)

How many LA dates can be expected?  “just the one this time.” (@javierdontcare)

Glasgow?  “not sure. Hoping for a solo set at MOS in London at some point, so you should make plans to go to that.” (@MandyFarrel87)

Australia?  “The album promotion I guess was during Stereosonic last year. Will be back at some point again for sure.” (@WarrenParnell)

Mexico?  “Hopefully summer, miss you guys down there.” (@ErnestoArr & @an63110)

Kuala Lumpur?  “I’m still waiting on details for my week in Asia. Only one I know is Singapore on May 4.” (@Laidback_Lut)

Ibiza?  “Still waiting to hear about Ibiza.” (@tippm002)

Malaysia?  “Not sure, still waiting to hear on any plans.” (@deir_hoshiyar)

Indonesia?  “No plans at the moment but if any developments you’ll see them on website tour dates, beautiful country.”  (@tishaverinka)

Brazil?  “For sure. Your country is home to one of my favorite clubs to play, Green Valley.” (@ggb005)

That was lengthy!!!!  You can follow Markus Schulz on Twitter @MarkusSchulz and of course the Schulz Army at @_SchulzArmy.  Make sure to use the hashtag #SchulzArmy on Twitter.  And if you haven’t already, like the Schulz Army on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SchulzArmy